School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00 p.m.

May 21, 2015 - Regular Meeting

Invocation (Superintendent Van Zant)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
1. Attendance


Present:  Janice Kerekes, District 1;  Carol Studdard, District 2;  Betsy Condon, District 3;  Ashley Gilhousen, District 5;  and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.

Absent:  Johnna McKinnon, District 4, was absent due to work-related travel.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on April 16, 2015, and Special Meeting on May 7, 2015
Attachment: Disciplinary Minutes-2015 April 16.pdf (Confidential Item)
Attachment: 05-21-15 April 16, 2015.pdf
Attachment: 05-21-15 May 7 Minutes.pdf
3. C-2 Payment of Annual Dues for 2014-2015 to Florida Association of District School Superintendents
Attachment: 05-21-15 FADSS Invoice.pdf
School Board Members

4. C-3 Payment of Annual Dues for 2015-2016 to Florida School Boards Association
Attachment: 05-21-15 FSBA Invoice.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

5. C-4 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2014-2015
Attachment: 2014-2015 Allocation Changes.pdf
6. C-5 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2015-2016
Attachment: Allocation Summary - 2015-2016.pdf
7. C-6 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for 2015-2016
Attachment: Daily Hours for Teachers & Students.pdf
Human Resources

8. C-7 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 5-21-15.pdf
9. C-9 Renewal of 2015-2016 List of Physicians and Medical Facilities authorized to conduct physical examinations and drug tests required for certain groups of employees
Attachment: List of Physicians and Facilities 2015-2016.pdf

10. C-10 Request Permission for OPH Robotics Team to travel out of state to compete in the National Competition on May 29, 2015
11. C-11 Student Travel for School Sponsored Programs at CHS/FIH/KHS/OPH/RHS
Attachment: May 2015 - Student Travel.pdf
12. C-12 Approve Math in Focus Workshop
Attachment: HMH training SJCDS.pdf
13. C-13 Out of State Travel for Safety Patrol Students at Doctors Inlet Elementary School
Attachment: Out of State Travel - DIS_Board Back-Up.pdf
14. C-14 SEDNET - LSF contract March 2015 amendment.
Attachment: SEDNET LSF March 2015 Amendment.pdf
15. C-15 Multi-District FDLRS grant.
Attachment: FDLRS Exec Summary 15-16.pdf
16. C-16 Overnight/Out of State Travel for CTE Administration to attend National Career Pathways Network Annual Conference
Attachment: National Career Pathways-Dallas, Texas.pdf
Attachment: ACTE Vision 2015 New Orleans.pdf
17. C-17 2015-2016 Career Pathways Consortium Articulation Agreement between CCSD and St. Johns River State College
Attachment: 2015-2016 Career Pathways Consortium Articulation Agreement.pdf
18. C-18 Out of State/Overnight Travel for ACE Mentor Engineering Students to attend state competition-FOR INFORMATION ONLY
Attachment: ACE Mentor Competition-Washington DC.pdf
19. C-20 Approval of Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and Melissa Whitaker, Student Services Aide with Project Reach - The Homeless Grant 2015-2016
Attachment: 2015-2016 Melissa Whitaker Agreement.pdf
20. C-20A Permission for ESE Specialist to travel out of state to attend training at Center for Learning Differences Education at Trident Academy July 20-31, 2015
Business Affairs

21. C-21 Approve for Advertising School Board Policy 5.02G, Business Affairs, Electronic Funds Transfers Policy
Attachment: 05-21-15 Policy 5.02G Electronic Funds Transfers Policy.pdf
22. C-22 Warrants and Vouchers for April 2015
Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS APR 2015.pdf
23. C-23 Budget Amendments for the Month of April, 2015
Attachment: budget cover sheet(impact stmt).pdf
Attachment: April Budget Amendments.pdf
24. C-24 Writeoff non-sufficient checks at school
25. C-25 Monthly Property Report - April, 2015 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-April, 15.pdf
26. C-26 Monthly Property Report - April, 2015 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-April, 15.pdf
27. C-27 Monthly Property Report - April, 2015 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-April, 15.pdf
28. C-28 Monthly Property Report - April, 2015 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-April, 15.pdf
29. C-29 Deletion of Certain Items Report - May, 2015
Attachment: Deletion Report-May, 15.pdf
30. C-30 Monthly Financial Report for April, 2015
Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FIN-Sum Cash, APR, 2015.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FIN GREV APR,2015.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FIN GREXP APRIL,2015.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects APRIL 2015.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project APRIL,2015.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 8 MONTHLY FIN SPREV42X APRIL 2015.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN ARRA-SPREV43X APRIL, 2015.pdf
Support Services

31. C-31 2014 Florida Department of Health Inspection Reports
Attachment: FL Dept. of Health Inspection Reports 2014.pdf
32. C-32 2014-2015 S.R.E.F. Casualty, Safety, Sanitation, Relocatable, and Fire Safety Inspection Report
Attachment: SREF 2014.2015 #1.pdf
Attachment: SREF 2014.2015 #2.pdf
33. C-33 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 5,21,15.pdf
34. C-34 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Keystone Heights Elementary School Gymnasium Renovation
Attachment: CO 1 KHH Gym Renovation.pdf
35. C-35 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Orange Park High School Roof Replacement Buildings 19, 20, 21, 22 & 27
Attachment: CO 1 OPH Roof Replacement.pdf
36. C-36 Additive Change Order #1 for Keystone Heights High School C N A Classroom Renovation Building 1
Attachment: CO 1 KHH CNA Renovation.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
37. Adoption of Consent Agenda

Minutes: Consent Item C-19 was pulled to Discussion.  Consent Item C-8 was withdrawn.

Approve with the exception of Item C-19 that was pulled to Discussion and C-8 that was withdrawn.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Carol Studdard
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Motion Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes stated she did not think Item C-8 should have been withdrawn from the agenda.  She had asked earlier that this item be pulled to Discussion.

Recognitions and Awards
38. Perfect Attendance Awards


Superintendent Van Zant recognized the following students who received certificates for being neither absent nor tardy for 7 years, 9 years, or 13 years:

       ·        ELEMENTARY K-6 (7 Years)

Lakeside Elementary School

Alexander Arroyave-Gomez


·         JUNIOR HIGH K-8 (9 Years)


Lake Asbury Junior High School

Maegan Rae Gibson


Wilkinson Junior High School

Mason Isaiah George


·         HIGH SCHOOL K-12 (13 Years)


Clay High School

Dalton Jay Garrett

Clay High School

Justin Kyle Deel (not present)

Ridgeview High School

Alexandria Marie Kronforst 

39. State Science Fair Participants
Attachment: 05-21-15 2015 SSEF Awards.pdf
Minutes: Mike Wingate, Director of K-12 Academic Services, introduced Ms. Nancy Watson, who serves as the district's Science Fair Coordinator.  Ms. Watson presented certificates to the State participants and winners.  See the attachment above for the list of students who received Science Fair awards.
40. Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year Awards


Kelly Watt, the district's Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, recognized the following district nominees who will compete for the state Social Studies Teacher of the Year award in the noted categories. 

  • Judith Dougherty (LES), Clay County’s nominee for FCSS’s Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year in the Elementary Division
  • Jeff Fowler (WJH), Clay County’s nominee for FCSS’s Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year in the Middle School Division
  • David Fields (OPH), Clay County’s nominee for FCSS’s Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year in the Senior High Division
  • Danielle Heric (FIHS), Clay County’s nominee for Prentice-Hall’s Excellence in Teaching History Award
  • Sharon Moore (LAJH), Clay County’s nominee for Holt-McDougal’s Warren Tracy Beginning Teacher Award



41. Clay County Academic Team


Susan McInerney and Ken Remsen recognized the following students:

Oakleaf High:   Brett Benda, Matthew Benda, Osvaldo Bonilla, Aria Henderson


Ridgeview High:  Kira Benton and Erik Horning


42. Special Recognition - Retiring Deputy Superintendent Denise Adams


Mrs. Adams will retire on May 30, 2015. With this being her last school board meeting, Superintendent Van Zant, with the assistance of Attorney Dan Sikes, presented her with a special flag that was flown over Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom.  

Mrs. Adams retires with a total of 39 years of dedicated service in public education, with the last 14 years being here in the Clay County School District.

43. Lauren Hoffman - Concert on the Green

Minutes: Mrs. Hoffman was not able to attend the meeting.  In her absence, Mrs. Condon announced the Concert on the Green concert being held on Sunday, May 24th at 4:00 p.m. at St. Johns Country Day School.  Fireworks will follow the concert.  Everyone was invited to attend.
44. D-3 Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) - FOR INFORMATION ONLY
Attachment: 05-21-15 CEP Final Board Presentation.pdf
Minutes: Susie Glover, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, gave a visual presentation (attached) on a new program that will allow high-poverty schools to feed students breakfast and lunch free of charge at qualifying schools.

Scheduled Citizen Requests
45. Joann Denemark - Transparency & Accountability

Minutes: Mrs. Denemark expressed dismay with teacher allocation cuts, the district's budget and the need for transparency and accountability. 

Discussion Agenda

46. D-1 Superintendent's Update
Attachment: 05-21-15 Board Presentation May 21 CVAFTE.pdf
Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant made brief introductory comments and then Carl Hendrick and Duane Weeks from Information Services gave a visual presentation (attached) on the collection, analysis and reporting of information with state reporting and district processes. 
Human Resources

47. D-2 Human Resources Special Action A
Attachment: 05-21-15 Special Action A.pdf (Confidential Item)

Motion to approve as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Carol Studdard
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

48. C-8 Withdrawn by Chairman

49. C-19 Renaming Rights at Oakleaf High School (Pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)
Attachment: May 2015 - OLH Naming Rights - McDonalds.pdf
Attachment: May 2015 - OLH Naming Rights - Zaxby's.pdf

Mrs. Kerekes voiced concerns about inconsistency with Board policy which states the entity must commit a minimum of $15,000.  The McDonald's Agreement calls for the corporation to contribute $9,000.

Dan Sikes, Interim Board Attorney, stated the policy includes a clause that allows the Board to specify other provisions.  However, general consensus was that the policy language as written is confusing.

Approve with the deletion of the McDonalds contract.- FAIL
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Carol Studdard
Elizabeth Condon- Nay
Ashley Gilhousen- Nay
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Presentations from the Audience
50. Speakers

  • Kasey Ludlam - regarding requirements for National Junior Honor Society at Green Cove Springs Junior High
  • Kelly Ludlam - regarding requirements for National Junior Honor Society at Green Cove Springs Junior High
  • Julie Smith - regarding requirements for National Junior Honor Society at Green Cove Springs Junior High
  • Keith Nichols - Specific Appropriations 87 language pertaining to raises
  • Renna Lee Paiva - general comments about FSA testing and effects on students

Superintendent's Requests

Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant announced a special board meeting to be held on June 8, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. in the TTC.  Insurance renewals, legal services analysis, and administrative allocations will be presented to the Board at this meeting.  Mr. Van Zant wished everyone a happy and safe memorial day weekend.

School Board's Requests


Board members made general comments about various topics.  Mrs. Condon referenced several articles about other Florida counties and how they are dealing with FSA's and EOC's. 

Attorney's Requests

Minutes: Mr. Sikes encouraged everyone to remember the reason we celebrate Memorial Day - a remembrance of veterans who died in service to our country
54. Final Comments from Mrs. Adams

Minutes: Mrs. Adams thanked everyone for their friendship over the years.  She thanked the Superintendent and Board for the opportunity to work in Clay County and emphasized how special Clay County is and what a strong school district it is. 

Adjournment (9:30 p.m.)

